Coopera 2022 will serve as a meeting and dialogue platform for all stakeholders in the Italian cooperation system. It will be an opportunity to bring together a representation of those who work every day in Italy and around the world to help people in need, build sustainable development projects, strengthen local communities, promote women’s and young people’s rights and opportunities in low-income countries, and prevent conflicts.
Within the various Panels on the programme, the P’s of Peace, People, Prosperity, Planet, and Partnership will be the main focus of discussions and debates. These five primary and interconnected categories will provide a gauge of the state of development cooperation and the paths forward, especially in light of two events that have distinguished the last two years: the pandemic and the conflict in Ukraine.
The event will bring together the protagonists of Italian Cooperation, including cooperators, volunteers, university representatives, and business leaders, to discuss the most pressing issues with the highest representatives of Italian and international institutions, ranging from food insecurity to poverty, wars and the climate emergency, pandemics, inequalities, and human rights violations.
Our co-chair Andrea Illy will take part in the panel “The challenge of sustainable and inclusive growth” to talk about how to create sustainable food systems for both people and planet, to achieve food security and SDG 2 (Zero Hunger).
The event is organized by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation.