Which progresses have been made for the ecological transition in Italy? After the momentum given by the Green New Deal, how far behind are we in achieving the 2030 and 2050 goals? What kind of reforms are needed to address the latest geopolitical developments, the search of new energy sources, and the consequences of climate change in our country?
The panel “Accelerating the Ecological Transition & Preserving Biodiversity” at the “Unconvention” event by BCG and WWF Italy tried to answer these questions and to offer a concrete and update reality check about the ecological transition in Europe and Italy. The panel also addressed the theme of biodiversity protection in Italy and the measures to be taken to preserve its ecosystems.
Our Director, Giovanna Gregori participated in the panel and offered RSF perspective on such urgent matters, together with high-level experts, EU commissioners, Italian Government’s representatives and world-renowned scientists.